Danone India has decided to discontinue selling its UHT milk and fresh dairy products as part of its strategy to rationalise its product portfolio in the country

The company said this was part of its strategy to accelerate investments and focus on growing its nutrition portfolio which is more than 90 per cent of its business.

In a statement, Danone India Spokesperson said, " In order to maximize growth opportunities, we are continuously analyzing our portfolio and sharpening our focus to accelerate investments on the best performing categories and products. For this reason, we will discontinue some of the SKU's sold in India."

"In line with this, Danone with discontinue SKU’s which have been making a minority contribution to its overall business in India which include the UHT and fresh dairy products," the company said in a statement.

The company's factory at Rai near Delhi manufacturing these discontinued products will also stop production. "Danone’s state-of-the art factory at Lalru involved in manufacturing the infant nutrition products will continue to function as usual," the company added.