The Delhi High Court on Thursday reserved its judgment on Indraprastha Gas Ltd's (IGL) and the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) case.


“Both sides have completed their arguments. The High Court has reserved the judgment,” said an IGL official.


IGL had challenged a PNGRB order on network tariff and compression charge issued on April 9. IGL has decided not to change its tariff structure until the court gives its verdict. Similarly, PNGRB will not take any coercive action against IGL.


According to the PNGRB order, IGL can charge Rs 38.58 for every million British thermal unit (a measurement of heat value of fuels) for transmission of gas, against Rs 104.05 that it charges now. Also, CNG compression tariff was pegged at Rs 2.75 per kg. IGL charges Rs 6.66. These rates are to be retrospectively applicable from April 1, 2008.