Durgapur Steel Plant achieves record output

Jayanta Mallick Updated - March 12, 2018 at 05:02 PM.

Durgapur Steel Plant of SAIL has recorded the all-time best 11 months production in all major categories — hot metal, crude steel, saleable steel, continuous casting, blend mix and sinter.

Congratulating the DSP collective for this performance, P.K. Singh, CEO, said: “Dedicated efforts of the employees, and synergy among all departments along with cooperation from all stakeholders, have brought in this stupendous achievement in the plant. I am confident that with this momentum, DSP is poised to record the best-ever performance in this financial year (2012-13).’’

During the current fiscal (April 2012 to February 2013), the plant has recorded growth in the production of hot metal, crude steel and saleable steel by 7 per cent, 6 per cent and 5 per cent, respectively. Highest percentage growth was achieved in sinter output (12 per cent over that in 11 months of the previous fiscal).

In February, Durgapur Steel Plant overshot the monthly production targets; production of hot metal was at 128 per cent of the target, crude steel at 125 per cent and saleable steel at 119 per cent.

The output of special steel and value-added products in February reached a level of 81 per cent of the total saleable steel production.


Published on March 2, 2013 11:15