Electronics Corporation of India Ltd (ECIL) has launched two new technology products — a switch router and a network access system.

The Ethernet switch router has been manufactured under license from IIT Bombay. The ECR 1000 series Routers would have capabilities such as low latency and secure connectivity with wide coverage.

The Secure Network Access System (SNAS) is a specialised indigenous network security product developed by Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai. It will be manufactured by the Hyderabad-based ECIL under license from BARC.

Mr Y.S. Mayya, Chairman and Managing Director of ECIL, said the router would address apprehensions on security issues posed by imported products, and could be called ‘black box’ products that carry vital and strategic data.

The SNAS, on the other hand, would be a fully indigenous solution with functionalities to address all network security requirements of an organisation.