Little Einsteins will invest $5 million over the next 12 months to enhance its foreign language programmes, even as the edu-tech start-up is foraying into the US market.

The pre-school will utilise the investment to introduce Augmented Reality (AR) for learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) solutions and to expand its partner support ecosystem in the international market. The company is expanding into US, with opening centres in Minnesota and Texas in the next six months.

“The US, being home to a lot of Indians, we aim to capture the Indian origin audience in the US. We will be setting-up around 10 schools by the end of 2019,” Vinit Srivastava, Co-Founder at Little Einsteins said. “Building personalised development for each child via AI is key for us. We ensure that our pre-schoolers get access to the best technology. Our preschool pedagogy is unique and believes in customisation of the curriculum based on the learning curve of each child,” Kopal Maheshwari, Founder and Chairperson at Little Einsteins said.