Corporates, by and large, either issue diktats or give tips to the staff for saving a penny a day. There are only a few that engage the entire staff in the exercise and encourage them to come up with ideas.

Maruti Suzuki India (MSIL) is one such company, which saved around ₹281 crore in 2015-16, thanks to an innovative “suggestion scheme” floated across its plants – from the top management to shop-floor workers – and implementing the good ones.

During the entire year, the country’s leading passenger car manufacturer received 6,98,640 suggestions, which means that on an average, an employee gave around 38 suggestions. MSIL has a total employee base of around 15,000 at present.

Though the cost-saving amount was its lowest in last five years, the company said this is good enough at a time when several companies are reeling under slowdown and the cost of running plants was getting higher.

“At Maruti Suzuki, the ‘suggestion scheme’ is like second nature. It encourages continuous improvement through innovation and creativity at workplace for people across hierarchal levels,” Rajiv Gandhi, Executive Director (Plants), MSIL, told BusinessLine .

Employees’ knowledge

He said the guiding principle is that each employee, irrespective of their level, has the best knowledge on the area of their work. He knows best the high points as well as the pitfalls, and is encouraged to look around and suggest improvements to enhance safety, quality and productivity, bring simplicity, save energy and save costs.

For example, the trolleys carrying instrument panels were earlier covered with polythene sheets for protection from dust. After an employee suggested a permanent cover, it helped in elimination of scrap and enhanced trolley capacity. By doing so, the company saved ₹26,59,462 and also reduced the tractor trips (for transporting scrap) which, in turn, saved another ₹1,06,400, he said.

“The employee who provides suggestions also helps in implementing them, which gives him a sense of ownership and pride. At another level, the “suggestion scheme” is a strong engagement tool to connect the workforce with the company’s progress,” Gandhi added. To connect with employees in regional offices and the head office, MSIL has in place an online portal ‘Sujhav Sangrehika’, where ideas from different departments are captured.

Real time updates

It gives a real- time update on an employee’s suggestions and is also an employee-engagement tool, as it seamlessly integrates employees at all levels on a common platform.

As more and more young employees join the company, it is this culture of suggestions that will give them a sense of ownership in projects and help them align themselves with the company goals and objectives, Gandhi added.