Fiat is evaluating the option of launching cars from its Chrysler portfolio, which includes Jeep, Dodge and the Chrysler, in India.

“I believe that we should look at cars from the Fiat-Chrysler portfolio and we are studying that continuously,” Fiat India Senior Vice-President, corporate commercial, Mr Enrico Atanasio, said.

He said one of the vehicles which Fiat would be keen on launching would be “people carrier type of vehicles,” like the sports utility vehicles.

Mr Atanasio admitted that Fiat is not satisfied with the growth rate achieved in India so far and hence is trying to find the strategy for the market.

“But lot is cooking in terms of the future. We will reinforce our presence and will work on future products,” he said.

Dual dealership

With Fiat shedding its dual existence (which means joint showrooms, dealerships with Tata Motors), Mr Atanasio said it would lead to better sales for the Italian car maker.

“It is pretty evident that Indian customers are not comfortable with dual model strategy,” he said. He pointed out that in Europe, dual dealerships are “everywhere” with the same dealer selling cars from different companies.

Fiat is also closely working with Tata Motors to fine-tune its strategy for the Indian market and with the car maker being a leader in the small car market in Europe, it expects to perform much better in the Indian market, the Fiat official said.

He said that the company has changed its advertising agency and now has a new ad campaign as well and the current set of vehicles have been tweaked for Indian road conditions like better ground clearance as well as a robust AC. “In the volume market, you need to come out with the right product and we are already doing a lot of evaluation,” Mr Atanasio said.

He said that the regional headquarters has now been opened in Shanghai, which will supervise the operations in India. “For Chrysler and Fiat, the next biggest growth markets are in India and china,” he said.