Newly formed global professional services network Forvis Mazars is expected to create substantial value for professional services firm Mazars in India through Indo-US business connections and an expanded client portfolio, a top official said.

The network will expand business by 30-40 per cent, with Mazars in India catering Forvis’ clientele and leveraging emerging prospects, said Bharat Dhawan, Managing Partner, Forvis Mazars in India.

Additionally, this synergistic venture aims to grow the workforce to 5,000 employees within next five to six years, solidifying Mazars in India’s position as a formidable market contender.

“This network aligns with our vision for growth and excellence, positioning us to capitalise on emerging opportunities and drive sustainable success while navigating market dynamics effectively,” Dhawan said.

Mazars operates in over 100 countries and territories.

The network comprises Forvis Mazars LLP in the US; and Forvis Mazars Group SC, an integrated partnership operating in over 100 countries and territories. 

Hervé Hélias, Chairman, Group Executive Board, Forvis Mazars Group, SC, said, “This is a momentous and exciting time for our clients, our profession and our people. Mazars and Forvis have worked together for over 20 years and share a commitment to delivering an outstanding client experience. We are well positioned to deliver excellence, everywhere, under a single global brand.”

“I am extremely proud to serve as first Chair of the Global Network Board. Working together, I am confident that our two firms will continue to empower our people to raise the bar for client service standards, while challenging industry opportunities to support future needs in local markets,” Hellas said.

Hélias will also continue to serve his ongoing mandate as Chairman of the Group Executive Board of Forvis Mazars Group, SC (formerly Mazars Group).