GAIL (India) Ltd is looking at balancing its portfolio of gas import contracts, its Executive Director Rajeev Mathur said here today.

Addressing the Gas Asia Summit, Mathur said: “We are seeing a trend where various options are being considered.’’

GAIL, one of the leading gas importers in India, has a portfolio of long-term, short-term and spot contracts.

Mathur told presspersons that emphasis was on affordable contracts from global suppliers, including the United States.

Mathur pointed out that 1,785 trillion cubic feet of shale gas resources were in Asia out of the 6,622 trillion cu ft of global reserves.

He said the Turkmenistan gas pipeline was on track for supplying gas to South Asia, India being the big market. The Turkmenistan pipeline via Afghanistan and Pakistan to India is expected to supply gas by 2018.

Separately, speakers and delegates at the summit discussed buyer driven gas contracts given the recent downtrend in prices in the United States.