GigsBoard to aid IT companies to effectively freelance projects

Our Bureau Updated - February 05, 2021 at 05:35 PM.

There’s a market between the big firms that outsource software services at high rates and small firms that do the same at cheap rates — GigsBoard is looking to tap that niche space

Kerala Startup Mission is simplifying independent software development, with the FreelanceTeams Pvt Ltd under the nodal agency launching GigsBoard next week.

GigsBoard is an evolutionary work management marketplace that enables businesses to effectively freelance their IT projects — large and small. Primarily designed to bridge a gap between small and medium enterprises, boutique agencies and freelancers, the platform will be of increased relevance amid the present crisis induced by Covid-19.

GigsBoard will be especially beneficial to start-ups that seek to run with minimal staff in the beginning. While the cost is low, the services will be of high standard, the company’s CEO Sujith K Bhaskaran said about the platform that’s slated to be functional from Monday (February 8).

Currently, software services are being outsourced through top firms that charge high amounts. On the other end, there are small firms that provide similar services at cheap rates, but their credibility is suspect. The gap is the niche that GigsBoard is targetting, working for both service consumers and independent software developers, according to Bhaskaran.

GigsBoard ensures time-bound completion of assignments and prompt payment while providing updates at each stage. “In fact, project deliveries and payments shall progress hand-in-hand in a cycles-based manner throughout the project,” the CEO revealed.

The stalemate owing to the pandemic has triggered job losses, prompting many to go for independent ventures. “They may face hiccups, which GigsBoard can resolve,” Bhaskaran said.

GigsBoard will go into a second version launch next month with more features. In early July, the company plans to launch internationally from the US.

The 2006-founded KSUM, led by the government, works for entrepreneurship development and incubation activities in the State. It plans, establishes and manages technology business incubators and accelerators to promote tech-based ventures by creating the infrastructure and environment.

Published on February 5, 2021 08:31