GODI India, a Hyderabad-headquartered lithium-ion cell R&D and manufacturer, has announced that it has produced high-energy density lithium-ion cells using home-grown technology.

It claims to have developed India’s first-ever 5.2 Ah 21700 cylindrical lithium-ion cells with an energy density of 275 Wh/kg based on silicon anode technology.

With the use of silicon in the anode, an electric vehicle could achieve a greater range, up to 15-20 per cent compared to graphite, on a single charge due to the increased energy density, according to a statement.

The company said it is making inroads in the manufacture of high-energy-density lithium-ion cells using silicon, which is one of the most abundant elements on earth’s crest. Godi India was the first Indian company to get BIS certification to sell lithium-ion cells made with homegrown technology.

Bright future

“We are delighted to announce the manufacturing of 5.2 Ah lithium-ion cells at our Hyderabad facility. With the boom in the EV sector constituting two, three, and four-wheelers in India and across the world, the need for high-energy cells has become very essential. We have already delivered 5.0Ah cells to the top six OEMs in India and planning to deliver 5.2Ah cells in the near future,” said Mahesh Godi, Founder and CEO of GODI India.

The company is planning to achieve >5.6Ah high-energy and high-power cells for the first time. It has planned for a 100 MWh pilot production facility for 5.0-5.2Ah cells followed by a GWh plant to cater to the requirements of the highly demanding electric two-wheeler needs.

Tapping silicon’s potential

Silicon is the future of energy storage as it can store nearly ten times the energy when compared to the traditional graphite anode. However, it comes with close to 400 per cent of volume expansion during its charge and discharge process making it difficult to stabilise.

GODI India has developed an eco-friendly water-based electrode manufacturing process to stabilise the silicon, which has been successfully utilised in the manufacturing of the 5.2 Ah lithium-ion cells, added the statement.