Furniture maker Godrej Interio is set to change the looks of 25-50 households across India, for free, during the ongoing Season II of its “Upload & Transform” contest.

The company’s three-month-long Season II, launched on August 2, will end on October 31.

After the success of its Season I, a pilot project in which Godrej Interior changed the looks of a house each in Mumbai, Chandigarh, New Delhi, Noida and Shimla last year, the company would now launch it across India, Bedraj Tripathy, Senior General Manager, Marketing, said here on Monday.

Those who wish to participate in the contest should send a photograph of a part of their house and other details to Godrej Interio. The company will select the winners and carry out changes in their house for free (except civil work). The changes will be worth about Rs 1 lakh per house.

The marketing strategy had increased customer walk-in by 32 per cent, with a 98 per cent rate of conversion to business, according to the company.

Tripathy said India’s furniture market was worth about Rs 60,000-70,000 crore annually, of which only 10 per cent was organised. Godrej Interior’s Upload & Transform campaign is billed as the largest consumer connect programme in India in this category. The company provides about 400 furniture designs to homes and institutions/offices through its 78 exclusive showrooms in 20 cities and 800 dealers across India.