Godrej Consumer Products Limited today launched its latest product, a paper format mosquito repellent ‘Good Knight Fast Card’ here.

“The product is easy to use, works instantly, safe and is available for a Rupee,” Sunil Kataria, Chief Operating Officer-Sales and Marketing said, adding the paper repellent is the latest in his company’s series of innovations that began in 1980’s in mosquito repellent business.

The repellent, developed in association with the Godrej research team in Indonesia is “a piece of paper that burns for three minutes (after being set alight) and is effective against mosquitoes for nearly four hours,” he added.

About 56 per cent of the population in India do not use branded mosquito repellents and chose home remedies like neem and tulsi leaves.

“The branded market itself is Rs 3,600 crore in India. So more than half a market is there... we need to convert them, create a new market. This new product has TFT, one of the safest active molecules. After three minutes there is no smoke,” he said.

The product consumes no electricity, he said, adding that it has been priced at Rs 10 for a booklet of 10 paper repellents, “breaking the price barrier.”

Gordrej is a dominant player in the household insecticide market with brands like Good Knight and Hit in all formats like coils, liquid vaporizer and aerosols.