Grene Robotics, a Hyderabad-based company into building autonomous technologies, has developed an indigenous autonomous drone defence dome called Indrajaal.

Indrajaal is capable of protecting a large area of 1,000-2,000 sq km per system against threats such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), incoming weapons (missiles), loitering munitions and Low-Radar Cross Section (low flying) targets autonomously, the company said in a statement.

MVN Sai, CEO Defence at Grene Robotics, said: “Conventional defences will be overwhelmed in a swarm attack scenario and an artificial intelligence-enabled autonomous dome with its own ecosystem of sensors and processing is the way forward. The process of establishing a fully-functional system is an evolutionary process and needs technology vision and user involvement”.

Indrajaal is an autonomous defence weapon system that uses technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, cybersecurity and robotics to identify and counter threats, the company said.

Earlier this year, Grene Robotics entered into a partnership with BEL to jointly develop autonomous air defence technology that would bring India on a par with the best defence systems in the world, it added.