GVK Bio gives USFDA access to its clinical biomarker database

Our Bureau Updated - March 12, 2018 at 12:51 PM.

GVK Biosciences has extended its Clinical Biomarker Database (GOBIOM) licence to the Biomarker Qualification Group of the US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA). “The GOBIOM database, which has the latest information on all the biomarkers reported in various clinical and preclinical studies, will be of enormous use to USFDA in its Biomarker Qualification Process,'' the Hyderabad-based company said in a release.

The GOBIOM database is a comprehensive collection of all the clinically evaluated, exploratory and preclinical biomarkers associated with different therapeutic areas reported in global clinical trials, clinical and preclinical studies. It contains information on 12,000 biomarkers. “The collaboration with the USFDA helped GVK BIO in developing the safety biomarker content in GOBIOM,” Mr Sreeni Devidas, Vice-President, Sales & Marketing, Informatics, GVK Bio, said. Biomarker analysis tools were integrated into the database such that the user can make comparative analysis between biomarkers of their interest, he added

Published on April 25, 2011 16:44