As part of corporate social responsibility, Harrisons Malayalam Ltd, Mooply Valley Group Estates, distributed educational kits to over 100 tribal students of Anapandam, Kallichitra, Olanaparambu, Malampathy, Echipara at a function organised to celebrate the third anniversary of M A Kumaran Smaraka Memorial in Amballoor, in Thrissur district.

Mr M.A. Kumaran was a tribal leader who worked for the welfare of the tribal community in this area. The Minister for Co-operation, Khadi and Village Industries, Mr C.N. Balakrishnan, inaugurated the function. Mr Vinayaraghavan, Vice-President, Harrisons Malayalam, said the company has been part of this novel venture for the last three years and distributing educational kits to the tribal students as part of our CSR initiatives.