In what came as the third extension of the deadline, the Madras High Court (HC) today granted 10 more days for digitisation of cable TV operations in the city.

Justice N Paul Vasanthakumar, who extended the deadline till November 19, also ordered the matter to be placed before a division Bench, stating that it involved larger public interest.

With Chennai lagging behind in switching over to the new system, the court, on November 5, had extended the deadline for the second time till today.

The deadline for digitisation for all the four metros had expired on October 31 last, but citing non-availability of the set-top boxes, the state and local cable operators had pleaded for more time.

Meanwhile, responding to the state’s October 16 plea, the Union Information and Broadcasting Ministry told the court that it will abide by the its direction in case the deadline was extended till December 31, provided the state government gives an undertaking to achieve 100 per cent of digitisation by then, and does not seek further extension.

The ministry’s stand was stated by the Under Secretary Navil Kapur in a letter which was submitted by the Centre’s standing counsel, Haji Mohideen Gisti.

The Counsel for the state-owned Tamil Nadu Arasu Cable TV Corporation submitted that he would file an affidavit by November 19.