Himalaya Drug Company has carved out a new 'Wellness range’, bringing together a range of products in its therapeutics and consumer health portfolio.

The Wellness range includes a portfolio of internal and topical wellness products - from single herb formulations or ‘pure herbs’ to therapeutic massage oils, balms and creams.

Reflecting on Himalaya’s strategic consolidation, Philipe Haydon- CEO, The Himalaya Drug Company, said, “Within the next few years, Wellness is going to emerge as an inherent aspect of people’s lives. We will aggressively promote our Wellness products as we truly believe it has the potential to revolutionise health management in India. Currently valued at Rs 14,343 crore, Wellness will soon become the fastest growing category in India; we will also be launching products in the Nutrition division to complement our Wellness range.”

“Our strength also lies in our OTX model where our dedicated medical representative team will promote the product to doctors and our retail team will make it available at leading supermarkets, retail outlets, chemists and pharmacies. In order to help consumers identify their health needs, Wellness zones have been created. These will serve as a one-stop point where our in-store advisors will be able to provide vital information on the product range,” added Sudheer Srinivas, General Manager- Marketing, Wellness Division.