The Haryana Government-brokered negotiations between Maruti Suzuki India's (MSI's) management and agitating workers at its Manesar plant failed on Friday, prolonging the impasse that began on August 29.

The tripartite discussions that took place among the Haryana Labour Department, the MSI management and the Maruti Udyog Kamgaar Union (the union recognised by the company) could not reach any settlement.

The management reiterated that it would not engage with the agitating workers at Manesar, whose union is yet to be recognised and is not part of the parleys. The company maintained that the workers would have to sign its ‘good conduct bond' and there was no question of reinstating those dismissed or suspended.

Workers at Suzuki Powertrain India Ltd and Suzuki Motorcycle India Pvt — subsidiaries of Suzuki Motor Corp — have, for now, called off their separate two-day-long strike. They had gone on strike in support of their colleagues at MSI's Manesar plant.

“The management has agreed to consider our demands. However, if the Manesar issue is not resolved, we will take our next step,” Suzuki Motorcycle India Workers Union President, Mr Anil Kumar, told Business Line .

MSI said the Manesar facility would resume production on Sunday.