Direct-to-Home (DTH) players have been rapidly expanding in rural areas, with more subscribers added there than in urban areas, says a new study by the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham).

It says that DTH penetration will climb to 48 million homes by 2015 as compared to 28 million homes currently. Overall, there are now 37 million digital homes, which include DTH, digital cable and Internet protocol television (IPTV).

According to TAM Media Research, television penetration in India was 223 million in 2010 and slated to grow to 231 million by 2011-end. The Indian television industry with 600 channels is expected to clock revenues of Rs 32,000 crore by 2011-end with 14 per cent growth over 2010, the study said. India has 150 news channels with the English ones commanding the highest advertising rates due to their connect with the male urban audience. But in terms of numbers, regional entertainment channels are four times as many as national channels.