The Industrial Court in Pune has dismissed a revision petition filed by the Bajaj Auto workers’ Union which asked that Bajaj Auto be called upon to provide payslips to show on what grounds it had cut eight days of wages in June.

In its order the Court said that the petition stood disposed of since it was a fact that the Company’s advocate A.R. Joshi had stated and admitted that the wages had been deducted in June.

The Labour Court will take note of this, so nothing more remained to be decided in the revision application, it said.

The application followed a petition filed by Bajaj Auto against the Vishwakalyan Kamgar Sanghatana (Bajaj Union) in the Pune Labour Court asking that the workers’ strike since June 25 be declared illegal.

The next hearing is scheduled for July 29.

The SEM, an umbrella body that says it is has affiliations by 88 labour Unions, has now written to the State Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan to order a probe into the alleged misuse of contract workers by Bajaj Auto.