Coimbatore-based EKKI Pumps transformation journey has crossed borders with INSEAD Business School, incorporating the pump and water technology provider’s growth journey in the MBA curriculum.

“INSEAD has created a case study titled “Sustainability in Asia” by featuring EKKI’s growth and transformation journey. The study captures the reinvention of EKKI in 2013; how EKKI transformed itself into a sustainable water technology provider from DECCAN Pumps (starting in 1981) with a deep commitment to quality, sustainability and value delivery to its customers and members,” the company said in a release.

The study, authored by Stephen J. Mezias, Professor of Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise, INSEAD, Indira Pant (National University of Singapore) and Rikki Abzug (Ramapo College, New Jersey) has been included under Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

Mezias said that the team had interviewed the leaders of six successful medium-sized family firms in South East Asia about their efforts towards making their organisation sustainable. EKKI incidentally was the only firm based in India.

Commenting on EKKI’s Sustainable Water Solutions focus, it’s Co-CEO Kanishka Arumugam, said “Global warming and population growth have led to a massive increase in the use of water. Nearly 1.2 billion people on the planet do not have access to potable water and an estimated 2 million people die each year due to unsafe drinking water, and inadequate sanitation. It is estimated that nearly half the world’s population will face severe water crisis by 2035. Global Pandemics caused by water pollution is also a big risk for humanity.”

“Despite such challenges, water continues to remain as the least technologically influenced industry. From office towers to factories to homes and agriculture, the need for clean water has never been greater. The future wave is water sustainability, and EKKI will be part of it. At EKKI, we believe our businesses should add value and also be a force for good.

EKKI’s goal is to ‘Provide access to Clean Water using cutting edge technologies and sustainable ways’. This has been our fundamental purpose since 1981,” Kanishka added.