Indian Oil Corporation has deployed a round-the-clock monitoring system to oversee its 15,000-km network of pipelines, prevent fuel theft and disruption, it said in a release.

The corporation closely monitors the pipeline flow, pressure parameters, and trends through an Instrumentation and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system.

In addition to this, a leak detection system ensures 24X7 analysis to identify tentative vulnerable points, it added.

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“Moreover, a comprehensive system of physical inspection of the entire network on foot by line patrolmen and DGR guards are also in place. Their movement is monitored through Global Positioning System-enabled devices. The existing Right of Way (ROW) of the pipelines is also mapped through geo-fencing,” the release added.

Digital initiative

To further boost the security of its pipelines, Indian Oil has undertaken digital initiatives like the optical fibre-based Pipeline Intrusion Detection and Warning System (PIDWS). This system is presently under implementation on 5,474 km of its pipeline length, functional for 997 km and the remaining will be commissioned by 2022-23, as per the release.

Security protocols

The corporation is also exploring several other innovative security protocols to enhance pipeline security, like the ‘Negative Pressure Wave Type Leak/Pilferage Detection System’.

Recently, drones have been deployed along the 120 km Delhi-Panipat Section of the Mathura-Jalandhar Pipeline and live feed from the drones is monitored.

During 2020-21, 53 arrests have been made against 34 pipeline pilferage attempts across the country. A theft attempt on petroleum pipelines at Sonipat was foiled on August 17 using PIDWS.