Cricket fatigue has taken its toll. There's been a 19 per cent drop in TV viewership for IPL 5 games compared to the previous season, according to Tam Media Research data for the first six matches.

Even the cumulative reach of the tournament has dropped by 11 per cent from last year's 101 million to 90 million viewers this season. IPL began with a bang recording an average television viewership rating (TVR) of 5.59 for the first six matches in its first season (2008). For the first six matches in IPL, 5 the TVR was a mere 3.76.

But MSM-owned SET Max, the official broadcaster for IPL, is neither perturbed nor does it plan to drop ad rates in a hurry.

No drop in Ad rates

Mr Rohit Gupta, President, MSM, told Business Line , “We have not dropped ad rates. It is still early days and the first two matches of the season have recorded almost similar ratings compared to the previous season. The stadiums are going full and we are still signing deals with new advertisers as there is inventory available.''

According to Set Max, the first two matches this season recorded ratings of 5.5 and 5, almost similar to what was recorded last year.

The official broadcaster is currently commanding ad rates at Rs 5 lakh for a 10-second slot.

“There are new advertisers coming on board and the rates for the balance inventory will depend on the ratings,'' added Mr Gupta.

This season, IPL has got new advertisers like, Panasonic, Vicco Labs and Emirates.

Meanwhile, media planners are not too surprised with the ratings. Mr Navin Khemka, Managing Partner, Zenith Optimedia, says, “The ratings have not dropped as much as we had expected. As long as Set Max is able to hold on to these ratings and maintain status quo, there should not be a problem.''

But commanding a premium on the balance inventory and clocking revenues of Rs 1,000 crore may not happen this season.

According to market sources, last year, IPL managed to rake in about Rs 700 crore and this year, too, it might achieve a similar figure.
