Classic Legends Pvt Ltd, which has reintroduced iconic marquee bike brand Jawa in India, indicated a three-pronged plan to make its presence felt in the market and achieve growth in the near term.

It is focussing on the stabilisation of manufacturing processes, consolidation of the brand under three models and filling gaps in network expansion.

“We will consolidate on our current models and look at launching more. The first two models — Jawa (priced at ₹1.67 lakh) and Jawa 42 (₹1.58 lakh) — have been securing bookings. while the third model Jawa Perak will come a little later this year, deliveries for Perak will start from Q4 of this calendar year,” Ashish Joshi, Chief Executive of Classic Legends told BusinessLine at the launch of its dealerships in Chennai.

Network expansion

Currently, there is an overflow of bookings for Jawa and Jawa 42 online. The company plans to initiate further bookings only through dealerships for a fee of ₹5000.

For the same reason, there are less chances for the new bookings to get delivered any time earlier than November.

Joshi said the company plans to start the delivery of bikes at Pithampur in Madhya Pradesh, by March end, this year. In the last few months, we have been focussing on getting everything — suppliers and quality processes stabilised to avoid any issues at the beginning of the production, said Joshi.

On the network expansion, he said the company had signed up for 105 dealerships that should be working by February 15.

There are a few dark areas across India where we don’t have dealers. We intend to cover them by opening new dealerships. “With the process, the total dealerships may touch 120 in the following couple of months,” he said.

The 120 dealerships will be spread across 93 cities, which will account for about 80 per cent of the market.

Growth opportunities

The company plans to penetrate into more B and C towns after a year, which promises more growth opportunities.

The company, which is 60 per cent owned by the Mahindra Group, is also giving a strong focus on merchandising. As part of brand positioning, the company also plans to come out with a new set of T-Shirts, jackets and headgears.