The Karnataka Government on Tuesday said it was taking steps to resolve the dispute between the labour union and the management of Toyota Kirloskar, which has declared a lock out in its factories since March 16.

Labour Minister Parmeshwar Nayak told newspersons that the management and the workers’ union have been asked to go back to the negotiating table.

The dispute has been referred back to the Labour Commissioner for one more round of talks on Wednesday.

“The lockout continues as of today and we are hopeful that an early solution can be found,” a spokesperson for the management said in a statement.

Meanwhile, Toyota Kirloskar Workers Union President Prasanna Kumar said they are meeting the Deputy Labour Commissioner to sort out the problem.

The union workers claimed that production loss was not due to their agitation but because of poor sales. He said allegations of threatening the senior management staff as well as sabotage were false.

The last time a similar agitation hit the production of the company was in 2006.

The wages of the workers are carried out every year through a negotiated process.