Kerala Tourism has bagged a prestigious Golden Gate award at ITB Berlin, world's leading travel show.

The campaign titled ‘Your Moment is Waiting' won the silver prize in the print category at the Das Golden Stadttor (Golden Gate) Awards.

The gold in the category went to Malaysia, an official spokesman said here.


These awards are instituted to honour the best creatives of the global tourism industry every year.

Ms Rani George, Director, Kerala Tourism, who headed the delegation to the travel festival, received the award.

The print campaign was conceptualised and created by Stark Communications, creative partner of Kerala Tourism.

Earlier, a three-minute ad film with the same title created by Stark had gone on to win over a dozen prestigious awards.

These included three gold medals at the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) international awards.


Speaking of the latest award, the Minister for Tourism, Mr A. P. Anil Kumar, said this was a ringing endorsement of the efforts to promote brand Kerala in the circuit.

The State Government has launched an intensive drive to attract quality travellers from niche markets and increase the share of foreign exchange revenue.

Mr T. K. Manoj Kumar, Secretary, Tourism, said that the campaign was powerfully backed up by a number of tools like road shows in the key global markets.

“We received a warm response to the road shows in Berlin in January 2012,” he said. After ITB Berlin 2012, the road show travelled to Milan, Madrid and London.

Increase in entries

With a 30 per cent increase in entries compared to the last edition in the entries, the Golden City Gate jury faced a mammoth task to choose the best.

“In the eleventh year of our competition, we can see greater interest in all areas of tourism industry,” said Mr Wolfgang Jo Huschert, initiator and organiser.