L&T Metro Rail Hyderabad Ltd, a special purpose vehicle formed to execute Hyderabad metro project, today performed the Bhoomi Puja at three locations for the elevated rail system.

The Rs 16,000-crore project has been taken up under a public-private partnership initiative to provide a mass transport system, while also helping in decongest the city, whose traffic has been growing exponentially over the years.

The Chief Executive and Managing Director of L&T Metro Rail Hyderabad, Mr V.B. Gadgil, the State Chief Secretary, Mr Pankaj Dwivedi, Mr N.V.S. Reddy, Managing Director of Hyderabad Metro, and senior officials attended the event.

Last month, the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, was expected to lay the foundation stone for the project. This did not materialise due to his busy schedule.

Bhoomi Puja

The Bhoomi Puja was performed at three sites by casting of viaduct segment at Uppal precast yard, casting of foundation of workshop at Uppal depot and for pier between Nagole and Uppal stretch.

This is among the largest PPP projects in the country whose mandate is to decongest three dense corridors covering a stretch of about 72 km.