Let It Wag, a crowdsourced platform for animal rescue based in Mumbai, announced on Thursday that it has launched a crowdfunding campaign to help feeders feed stray animals during and after the lockdown across India.

The company mentioned in its official release that the platform serves to save/help injured/helpless stray animals in need anywhere across India. The platform connects users to a relevant person/resource in real-time within a 5-kilometer radius using geolocation tagging.

Other than that, the app also serves good samaritans to find help for animals in need, raise funds for veterinary action, foster homes and adopters, report abuse and missing animals.

Talking about the app and the crowdfunding, Yash Sheth, Founder of Let It Wag, stated in the official release: “It was started as a platform for all pet/animal related information to generate timely response through a network of samaritans. Today we are accessible in every city in India and with more internet access, we are hopeful to bring all stakeholders under a single platform for all animals.

He also added that Let It Wag has been sustaining currently with the founder’s funds and tried crowdfunding earlier where the organisation could not raise funds needed to develop the platform and are trying to raise some more funds to make it a full product to be used across the globe.

He also mentioned the example of Australia bushfires, where an app like this could help rescuers call for immediate help where they spot injured animals from local residents/rescue workers within seconds.

“We are facing the greatest threats of animal deaths from climatic and human actions and it is our duty to bring a service that doesn’t cost anything to help an animal across the globe. We are hopeful to build an army of rescuers and fosterers to help save animals from danger,” he added.

Available on Android and iOS, Let It Wag aims to reach every corner of the world where animals are neglected, left injured on the streets due to the unavailability of timely help from those who can. They have been awarded the Rex Karamveer Chakra recently, the start-up mentioned in the release.