Limousine Cabs Limited, has announced the launch of its cab services in Telangana and outlined plans to expand services to other States.

With its AI-based application, it states that booking a cab can be completely hassle free and assures to cut short wait time for cab booking. To top it off, there will be no problems of regular cab cancellations and drivers denying duty.

The Hyderabad-based company plans to introduce over 5,000 entry level, mid-range vehicles and exclusive she cabs for women commuters in Telangana by next year, along with over 100 luxury vehicles.

The company has also created a business cum investment opportunity for people looking at being part of their cab services.

Asad Ahmed Khan Chairman, MTC Group & CEO Limousine Cabs, said “Cab services off late have given us a problematic experience. With the new service, these problems are now taken care of by our company with our Unique Limousine app, where a commuter can just scan the QR Code on CABS and book the cab.”

Actress Catherine Teresa flagged off their first luxury cab.