Malabar Gold & Diamonds has received an interim relief from the Islamabad court which has ordered a Pakistani jeweller not to use Malabar logo and restricted him from using the brand till the final disposal of the suit.

In June 2021, Malabar Group filed a petition after noticing the infringement of its trade name and logo by Muhammad Faizan of Islamabad who purportedly run a jewellery store with the same trade name and logo.

The District Judge-1 of Islamabad East, after taking cognition of the crime and accepting the petition last June, ordered the Pakistan jeweller not to use the logo or trade name till the final verdict in the case.

The injunctive order has been extended in further hearings and remained valid ever since. However, it was found that the Pakistani jeweller violated the court order as found in photographs that appeared in a few newspapers last August. Malabar Gold approached the court against the continued violation of the order and sought framing willful contempt of the court charges against the owner of the Pakistani entity.

Bailable warrants were issued on November 24 and the court asked the respondent to appear on December 14, 2022. However, he failed to appear or to furnish surety, said Malabar Gold & Diamonds in a statement.

Additional District and Sessions Judge –V, East Islamabad, Justice Dr Rasool Bukhhsh Mirjat ordered his arrest of the Pakistan businessman who was then made to appear. He was sent into judicial custody till December 16 and released on bail upon confirmation that he would comply with the temporary injunction order. He was released on bail on the basis of ₹25,000 bond and a surety.

“Our legal teams along with our partners continuously monitor such impersonations by any entity to ensure that our brand and our valued customers are safeguarded anywhere in the world,” said MP Ahammed, Chairman of Malabar Group.