Manipal Hospitals on Friday announced a partnership with Isansys Lifecare for an initiative to focus on monitoring high-risk and vulnerable patients across the care areas using the Isansys Patient Status Engine.

The patient status engine (PSE) is a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and EU medical devices regulation (MDR) approved solution. It is used for wireless, remote monitoring, and management of patients with borderline sickness with the need for constant health updates.

Remote health monitoring

According to the hospital, many patients are borderline ill but need constant health monitoring. The PSE will allow both doctors and nurses to monitor the patients on a continuous basis outside of the intensive care unit which would result in reducing costs. The system is currently installed in the wards of Manipal Hospitals and will be expanded to all units in the future.

“We are the first in India to deploy this advanced solution (Patient Status Engine) in our hospitals that will alert us if the patient’s health deteriorates. This platform displays changes in the parameters that require prompt medical treatment or intervention,” said Karthik Rajagopal, COO, Manipal Hospitals.

In addition to minute-by-minute EWS (Early Warning Score), which is live streamed to the central monitoring station and the mobile phones of the caregivers’ team, the device will help hospitals and doctors continuously monitor patients’ basic vitals, such as heart rate, temperature, saturation, blood pressure, and ECG. said the hospital.

The hospital says that the device will be made available at all healthcare chain locations in the upcoming phase of the plan, with a focus on lower-tier institutions that lack such monitoring equipment.