The State-owned utility BHEL is scouting for a legal consultant for its proposed merger with Bharat Heavy Plate and Vessels.

“BHEL intends to engage a law firm for providing legal services in connection with the merger of Bharat Heavy Plate and Vessels Ltd (BHPV) with itself,” the company said in the Request for Proposal for the engagement of a law firm.

The terms and conditions and the scope of work to be performed by the advisor include instructions to bidders, scope of work and so on.

The top-most qualifying requirement for the legal firm is that it should have successfully completed at least one assignment of amalgamation or merger of a Central Public Sector Enterprise (CPSE) in the last five financial years.

The contract will be awarded to the bidder (law firm) whose proposal is found to be technically and commercially acceptable and evaluated to be the lowest, BHEL said, adding that the total lumpsum price quoted by the bidder would remain firm during the entire period of the contract.

BHEL reserves the right to accept, modify or reject the recommendations of the advisor in all matters pertaining to the process, including the bid price.

The Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, in 2008 announced the merger of sick unit BHPV with BHEL. The merger was approved by the company’s board in 2010. The merger would go to the Cabinet for its nod.