Microsoft India is mulling a Change Management programme for its employees to return to their workplace.

“While we have enabled a complete work from home (WFH) for our employees during Covid pandemic, we, being a product company, need proximity of people to their teams,” said Arvindh Prakash Ayyaswamy, Senior Real Estate Portfolio Manager, Microsoft India.

Participating in a webinar, The Transforming Work Landscape in 2020’, hosted by Awfis, a home-grown co-working space provider, Ayyaswamy said: “As the future is still unknown, we foresee reluctance in employees to come back to work. For this, we are developing returning back to work programs, including Change Management that would help employees make a smooth transition.”

Roshan Gowda, Lead India – Corporate Real Estate, Accenture, explained that the future is tech-enabled workspaces. As the workforce returns to their workspaces, a lot of emphasis would be given to enabling touchless technology in the office spaces, along with an increased impetus on the health and safety of employees and their customers. “Technology will lead the charge for an aspirational workplace experience and at harnessing data analytics.”

New trends

“In the current scenario we are witnessing many new trends, with ‘flexibility in rental lease’ being one of the key upcoming trends. Talking about the new trends and how the future workspaces will evolve, we also expect to see changes in office designs with focus on safety, health and wellness,” said Ramesh Nair, CEO and Country Head, JLL India.

Moderating the webinar, Amit Ramani, CEO and Founder, Awfis, said: “We are living in strange times that have completely altered the way we behave and work. Businesses across sectors overnight had to embrace a new working style in order to keep themselves afloat while maintaining the well-being and safety of their employees as a priority. The idea behind hosting this webinar, was to discuss the pertinent challenges and bring to light the changes that can help organisations create workspaces of the future.”

He further said: “Through the medium of this webinar we are able to share interesting insights and the viewpoints of our eminent panelists on the new working trends, the need of design and technology in re-imagining the future workplaces, and also on the expectations from workspace occupiers in the post-Covid world. We are extremely pleased with the outcome as the webinar was well received by all our participants, and we look forward to hosting many more webinars as part of our Leadership Series.”

Sumit Lakhani, Chief Marketing Officer, Awfis, said: “We are pleased to see that our maiden webinar from the Leadership Series was well received. A lot of thought has gone behind in designing the series and through it we aim to address the questions being raised in the current, ever-evolving scenario.”