Continuing its winning streak, the flagship media agency of GroupM, Mindshare, has bagged the title of ‘Best Media Agency of the Year’ at the EMVIES 2012, for the fifth straight year. With a total of 160 points, 20 per cent higher than its closest competitor, Mindshare won four gold, seven silver and six bronze awards.

Commenting on the win, Ravi Rao, Leader, South Asia, Mindshare said, “To be recognised by the advertising fraternity as a winner is quite an honour for our team and our clients. But to achieve this five years in a row is a real testament to the tremendous innovation, passion and creativity at Mindshare.”

Mindshare took home four gold for Axe deodorant – fallen angels (Best Media Innovation (OOH) category), Axe shower gel – VJ Jose kidnapped (Best Media Innovation- Digital (Video) category), Bru Gold – If morning had an aroma, it would be coffee (Best Media Innovation-Print category) and HSBC - The day you were born (Best Media Innovation-direct marketing).

For ‘The day you were born’ campaign, Mindshare devised a plan where it could take specific corporate leaders back in time, to the day they were born. The innovation for Hindustan Unilever’s Bru Gold was such that readers of a newspaper ‘smelled’ the coffee while reading their morning paper, as each copy of the newspaper was sprayed with the smell of coffee.