Mojostar, a celebrity-driven house of brands, said it has co-created an apparel line with Bollywood actor Tiger Shroff. The company plans to invest $4 million (about ₹25 crore) to launch three more brands in areas such as fitness and fashion by this year.

Mojostar was formed last year with celebrity-management firm KWAN Entertainment and brand-management and licensing agency Dream Theatre forming a JV to create a house of brands.

Anirban Das Blah and Jiggy George own KWAN and Dream Theatre, respectively.

“We realised there was a gap in the active-wear market. Prowl, our apparel line, will be rolled out by June and aims to create a dent in this category. These apparels will be priced ₹1,000-₹3,000 and will be sold through online platforms in the first year and omni channel platform later,” said Abhishek Verma, CEO, Mojostar.

Verma said the active-wear industry is around $7 billion in size and is growing in double digits. The space is dominated by international brands.

George, CEO, Dream Theatre and co-founder, Mojostar, said the company will be rolling out three more brands in the areas of fashion, fitness, personal care and so on.

On the company’s funding plans, he said it is in talks with various players. Mojostar founders had indicated that they may look to raise private-equity funds to the tune of $10 million to scale up the entity.

George said the aim was to capitalise on the huge potential in the entertainment segment and become a dominant player