A larger percentage of workers from the public sector than from the private sector feel that they have to be on call 24x7.

A Randstad Workmonitor Survey 2012 found that 72 per cent of employees working in the Government sector in India felt that their employer expects them to be available at all times. This is significantly higher than the sentiment expressed by private sector workers (59 per cent).

The survey also shows that work life and private life are interconnected for a vast majority of Indian workforce. Around 80 per cent of employees surveyed said that they receive work-related phone calls and e-mails after office hours.

Out of the total workforce surveyed, 69 per cent said they voluntarily handle work-related matters during private time.

Mr E. Balaji, MD & CEO, Ma Foi Randstad, said: “Technology has to a large extent increased work efficiency, but the downside is that it also creates a 24/7 intrusion in employee lives.”

The Randstad survey covers 30 countries across Europe, Asia Pacific and the Americas. The quantitative study is conducted through an online questionnaire. The minimal sample size is 400 interviews per country.

The study is a quarterly review that tracks jobseeker confidence and provides an understanding of the job market sentiment and trends relating to the employment market.