A two-day international conference on ‘Globalisation is irreversible: need for branding India Inc and making MSMEs competitive,’ would be held here from March 2.

The objective of the conference was to share what was known and to be known by academicians and international entrepreneurs, which would have topics on various topics, Mr S Venkatesh, Secretary, Sree Saraswati Thyagaraja College, Pollachi, the joint organisers, of the conference, told reporters here on Wednesday.

Quoting 4th All India Census, Mr Venkatesh said that MSME sector cotributed 45 per cent of industrial output, 40 per cent of export, employing over 60 million.

3 million jobs every year, producing more than 8,000 quality products for India and International markets.

The Centre has taken initiatives to engage their overseas counterparts through various MOUs and agreements, which offered opportunities to Indian MSMEs by opening up new markets, joint venture and sharing of best practices including technology collaboration, M Kandhasamy, president, Coimbatore District Small Industries Association, said.

M Govinda Rao, Member, Economic Advisory Council to Prime Minister, and Director, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, Delhi, would inaugurate the conference.

Over 250 delegtes are expected to participate in the conference, Mr Venkatesh said.