National Aluminium Ltd, the Bhubaneswar-based integrated PSU aluminium maker, is yet to resume operations at its bauxite mine at Panchpatmali in Koraput district of Odisha. Mine operations stopped on November 17 in the absence of mine lease renewal. A temporary work permit for a year also eluded Nalco as the forest advisory committee of the Union Ministry of Forest and Environment could not approve it at its meeting on November 27.

According to company sources, “the process for issuing the temporary work permit has been initiated, but the approval and resumption of work at Panchpatmali may come about sometime next week.”

The 30-year mining lease for the asset expired on November 16. Nalco had filed application for renewal in October 2010 and in February this year; it also had filed an application for temporary work permit. Meanwhile, Nalco’s stock of bauxite is fast depleting and can last for a week. Panchpatmali, the only mine of Nalco, feeds it refinery at nearby Damanjodi, also in Koraput district.

If the mine operation stoppage lingers beyond seven days, then operations at the refinery will have to be stopped. Meanwhile, Angsuman Das, Director (Commercial), has been asked by the Ministry of Mines to continue with additional charge of CMD of Nalco “till further orders.”