Hydel power producer NHPC plans to start electricity generation from four more projects, having generation capacity of 1,250 MW, in the current Five-Year Plan period ending 2017.

The addition would take the company’s total power generation capacity to 6,997 MW.

During the company’s annual general meeting today, NHPC Chairman and Managing Director G Sai Prasad informed shareholders that so far 452 MW capacity has been added in the current Plan period (2012—17).

Prasad said that Chamera—III (231 MW), Teesta Low Dam—III (132 MW), Chutak (44 MW) and all the three units of Nimmo Bazgo project (15 MW X 3) at partial load, have been successfully commissioned.

At present, six projects - having a total capacity of 4,050 MW - are under construction stage. Out of them, four projects - with capacity of 1,250 MW - are slated for commissioning during the current plan period (2012—17), which would take the installed capacity of the company to 6,997 MW by 2017, the release quoted Prasad as saying.