Nightingales Home Health Services, a Medwell Ventures company, has opened its third centre, a physiotherapy centre in the city here on Tuesday.

“We are aiming at captive model where we have the option of treating at home and at the clinic as well, thereby ensuring continuum of care,’’ Lalit Pai, CEO, Nightingales told newspersons.

Physio by Nightingales will follow the treatment protocols and adhere to international guidelines of physiotherapy. ``Access to technology is the key as our therapists are well equipped with the latest modalities to treat our patients,’’ he said.

Nightingales, which specialises in chronic disease management at home and considers physiotherapy as a key element of recovery for chronic disease patients will provide its services mainly in the areas of repetitive strain injury, ergonomics, chronic disease rehab and women’s health & Rehab, among others.