"If the Modi Government reduces the equity in the NTPC below 51 per cent, then the company  officers association along with workers unions will go on a strike by mid December affecting 40,000 MW of power production per day," said Chairman of NTPC Executive Federation of India (NEFI), VK Sharma.

NEFI is the officers association in the power sector behemoth.

According to the numbers shared on the Central Electricity Authority website, India’s total installed capacity in October is 3.63 lakh MW. This means that if the strike observed for a day it will impact over 10 per cent power production in the country.

Sharma in an interaction with BusinessLine said that first a token strike would observed and if the Modi Government persist with its equity dilution plans then the strike would be indefinite. The strike will coincide with Winter session of the parliament, which is expected to commence on November 18. The Centre currently holds about 54 per cent equity in the company.

Sharma said that the NEFI was in talks with unions and officers association in other PSUs also for chalking out a joint action strategy. Talks are also being held with banks and rail unions for participating in the strike. The strike will happen either jointly or independently by NTPC staff, he said.