NTT’s Data Centre business in India has been growing at a 40 per cent compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for the last three years. India has been one of the fastest-growing markets for the global inc, according to Shekhar Sharma, CEO and Managing Director of NTT Global Data Centers & Cloud Infrastructure India.

The company bets on India’s growing economy, the increasing pace of digitisation, and technology adoption to succeed in the region. In line with its bullish outlook, the company had previously earmarked $2 billion in investments in the region. 

Sharma told businessline, “A substantial part of $2 billion has already been invested or committed to drive innovation, enhance infrastructure, and provide superior services to our clients. We are looking at being more bullish as we go ahead in India.”

With the recent launch of the Chennai 2 Data Center campus in July 2023, NTT’s data center footprint in the country has grown to 16 facilities, with more than 2.5 million sq. ft. of area and 204 MW of facility power. With the upcoming expansions, this figure is projected to increase to 349.2 MW by March 2024. 

When considering both the present and future planned expansions, the additional IT load is estimated to reach 526.4 MW. Consequently, the total IT load for NTT in India will reach 821.8 MW, according to the company. 

Sharma sees more headroom for growth in the Indian market. “I believe we are still at the infancy of the growth stage, we have just come out of the Covid period, which was a hyper-growth phase. Although the growth rate will eventually moderate, currently it will still continue,” he said. The company is seeing traction from various business verticals such as BFSI, R&D centers, AI companies, fintech, content providers, and PSUs. 

Going forward, with Bengaluru being one of the core areas for NTT, it is coming up with a new facility in the region. The facility’s load will be 100MW, and will have three buildings each with 22.4 MW of IT load. Its campus size is 8.5 acres. Sharma noted that the facility will be fully functional by the second quarter of the next financial year.