Ola has halted plans to lay off 200 software engineers as part of internal restructuring, the company’s management informed employees in a townhall organised on Thursday evening.

The earlier decision to layoff engineers at the group level was made in an attempt to “centralize operations, minimize redundancy, and build a strong lateral structure that strengthens relevant roles and functions.” However, the company is now reassessing the way it maps productivity and will also look at upskilling software engineers to optimise resources.

Ola had earlier said it has increased its focus on non-software engineering domains as it builds engineering and R&D capabilities across vehicle, cell , battery, manufacturing and automation, autonomous engineering streams, and others.

“We are building on common capabilities and synergies across functions as it strengthens its play across 2Ws, 4Ws, cell R&D, and manufacturing. Ola currently has around 2,000 engineers and aims to increase its engineering talent pool to 5,000 over the next 18 months,” the company added. Ola Electric is said to be hiring for roles in vehicle engineering, sourcing, product management, and data science.