ONGC has received 121,207 carbon credits for its 51 MW wind power project at Bhuj in Gujarat, the company said in a statement.

These credit points have been given by the United Nations body on climate change — United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.“This is the first issuance of credits from this project and second overall from the oil major’s cache of six registered environment-improvement projects,” the company said.

The project, was registered in March 2010 for 21 years, with an annual accruable certified emission reductions (CER) of 85,762. This is the maiden issuance for the monitoring period from March 2010 to June 2011. ONGC has a cache of six such environment-improvement projects.

“We are positioning sustainable development with a key focus on environment management in our recently declared long-term perspective plan 2030,” said Mr Sudhir Vasudeva, Chairman and Managing Director, ONGC.