To cash in on the ensuing Onam festival season, Panasonic India is targeting Rs 150 crore sales in the season. Last season, the company garnered Rs 75 crore sales in the State

The company is also looking at a sales turnover of Rs 220 crore in the State this year. Unveiling the Onam festival offer, Mr Manish Sharma, managing director, Consumer Product Division, Panasonic India, told reporters here on Thursday that Kerala contributes three per cent of the company’s annual sales and the company is aiming to achieve a 15 per cent market share in the State.

He said that Onam kicks off the festival season and is the ‘litmus test’ for the Diwali season, which contributes 30 per cent of sales and Durga Pooja about four per cent for Panasonic.

At present, the company has five branded shops in the state and plans to add three more during the festival season in Kerala. Panasonic offers a wide range of consumer electronics and home appliances like LCD and Plasma TVs, VD players, home theatre systems.

Referring to national sales, Mr Sharma said that the company is expecting a turnover of Rs 5,500 crore from its consumer products division this year against Rs 3,300 crore achieved last year. There are also plans to launch several localised products for Indian consumers.

Rupee devaluation is a major concern, he said, adding that the company increased prices by 12 per cent in the last 12 months.