IndianOil Corporation Ltd (IOC) is hopeful of commissioning its Paradip Refinery by November 2012, according to Mr B.N. Bankapur, Director (Refineries).

In an informal chat with presspersons on the sidelines of an interactive meeting with the members of Kanara Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) here on Friday, he said that he was hopeful of completing the Rs 29,777-crore project within the stipulated targets of time and resources.

Paradip refinery is going to be commissioned in phases starting from March 2012 and will be completed by November 2012. As of now, the progress of the work is about 50 per cent. It is going on as per schedule, he said. “We are expecting to bring the first product in the market by March 2012.” Mr Bankapur said that the Delayed Coker Unit (DCU) of residue upgradation project at Gujarat Refinery has already been commissioned.

“Now we are looking at DCU at Haldia. We have to go to our board for approval. It may happen in two-three months time,” he said.