PC Jeweller has reported second quarter net profit at Rs 102.80 crore on the back of net sales of Rs 1,111.73 crore.

The comparable figures were not available as the company got listed on the stock exchanges in December 2012.

During the first six months ended September 30, the net profit stood at Rs 192.75 crore and net sales at Rs 2,490.73 crore, the company said in a BSE filing.

The earnings per share for the quarter stood at Rs 5.74.

Balram Garg, MD, said: “Q2 is generally a lean period for domestic jewellery sales and we have tried to increase our visibility in this lean season. On the financial front, we have seen healthy and encouraging growth and have begun with expanding the brand to more cities. We recently launched in Rajkot and Hyderabad and will be gradually increasing our reach.”

PC Jeweller has 38 showrooms in 30 cities and has plans to take the total number of stores to 50.

(This copy's headline and intro have been modified. An earlier version said that PC Jeweller has incurred losses in the second quarter. However, there are no comparable figures for the previous quarter. The error is regretted.)