Consumer durables firms are now following their FMCG peers in playing the health card. If snacking majors offer “no oil” baked products to entice health conscious consumers, then here comes Philips with an AirFryer, a kitchen appliance which fries with just air.

Claiming to cook at 80 per cent less fat, this lightweight appliance launched on Tuesday, is priced at Rs14,995. It claims to be a category creator using a technology whereby the food gets cooked by hot air, unlike a microwave which uses radiation. The AirFryer is available at retail chains across Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Indore.

“India is a focus market for Philips. We have a 25 per cent market share of the Rs 2,500-crore kitchen appliances market,” said Mr Ada Ratnam, President, Consumer Lifestyle, Philips India.

Admitting being hit by rupee depreciation, Mr Ratnam, said they could look to produce more products here to beat high import costs, “Almost 20-25 per cent of our sales contain import content. We are looking to increase localisation.”

The global parent notched up sales of €5.6 billion in 2011 across sectors and geographies. Five per cent of their sales were invested in research and development in 2011.
