Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today laid foundation stone for GVK Power's 850 mw Ratle hydro-electric power plant on the River Chenab in Jammu and Kashmir.

The 850 MW Ratle project, which is the nation’s first hydroelectric project that was bid out through tariff based international competitive bidding, will cost Rs 5,500 crore, Singh said laying foundation stone of the project.

“I hope that every effort will be made to complete the project by its scheduled deadline of February 2018,” he said adding electricity generated from the Ratle project will bring prosperity to the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

The project was awarded to GVK Power which offered the lowest tariff for generating power.

Prime Minister said the state is back on path of progress after some difficult times. “Besides other things, power is essential to our efforts to bring development to the state.”

As against a potential of generating 14,000 MW of power from rivers like Chenab, Jhelam and Sindh, only 2,500 MW is currently being generated in Jammu and Kashmir, he said.

“Central and state government are trying to harness the remaining potential,” he said.

Despite power generation in the state rising to 1,664 MW, Jammu and Kashmir continues to be a power deficit state, he said announcing supply of 150 MW of electricity from Central pool to the state.

Also, state-owned National Hydroelectric Power Corp (NHPC) has recently completed two projects in the state to make available 89 MW of electricity.

Environment management and rehabilitation

Prime Minister said a sum of Rs 262 crore is being spent on environment management and rehabilitation and resettlement of those affected by the Ratle project.

Speaking on the occasion, UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi said the ecology and biodiversity should be protected while carrying out development projects.

“I believe that the ecology and biodiversity should be protected,” she said.

Also, Rs 629 crore will be invested in laying a power transmission line from Srinagar to Leh to help transmit electricity and bring prosperity to the Ladakh region, Singh said.

GVK Ratle Hydro Electric Project Pvt Ltd, a unit of GVK Power, was awarded the 850 MW (4 x 205 + 30 MW) Ratle Hydro Electric Project for implementation on build, own, operate and transfer (BOOT) basis by Jammu and Kashmir State Power Development Corp Ltd on the Chenab river in Kishtwar district of J&K through tariff based competitive bidding in May 2010.

The project is located on NH-24 and will provide 16 per cent of its output free of cost to the state of Jammu and Kashmir.

Besides the Forest Clearance from the state government, the project has obtained the Environment clearance from Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF) and Techno Economic Clearance (TEC) from CEA.

The Prime Minister said NHPC will set up a training institute near Ganderbal, for which a Memorandum of Understanding was recently signed.

Projects and schemes worth Rs 37,000 crore are being implemented in the state, he said, adding another Rs 1,000 crore worth of projects are being undertaken in Jammu and Ladakh region.